For libraries there are special conditions for ordering book products.
And if you want to hold a presentation of your author’s book in the library, a thematic workshop or invite our staff to communicate with readers, Sara Shepard Publishing House is ready to support your initiative.
For example, we invite them to creative workshops and meetings with children’s authors.
Do you want your children to learn all about the profession of a writer and illustrator, immerse themselves in the world of publishing, and have fun at the same time? Our staff would love to come and visit with you!
What kind of workshops are there?
How do you come up with a story? Create unusual characters? Create a book from scratch and publish it in a real publishing house?
We have prepared a universal master class for each age. The writers introduce children to their characters, teach everyone how to create a book from simple parts, and conduct themed quizzes and contests. At the end of the workshop, participants receive memorable surprises from the writers.
For older children, the tasks will become more complicated. At the master class “Who’s there?” they will be taken “to work” at the children’s publishing house “Moon Beetle”, where they will learn about the profession of a writer-illustrator and try their hand at it. Children will receive a “fee” for completing the tasks – chocolate coins and a ceremonial stamp of “accepted” at the end of the book. In another version of the master class they can learn more about the professions in publishing: writer, illustrator, proofreader, editor, publisher.
Our Writers

Majorie Brown
British fantasy writer for children and adults.

Linda Smith
English writer and biographer who wrote in the psychological thriller genre.

Sally Stevens
English writer, continuator of the Gothic tradition.

Ruby Thompson
English poet and novelist.

John Hoffman
American writer working in the genres of horror, thriller, fantasy, and mysticism.

Harvey Mitchell
American writer and scholar-philologist, author of ten novels and several dozen short stories (of which only ten are fiction).

Anthony Ospina
American writer best known as the author of adventure stories and novels.

Paul Siciliano
A fiction writer. Critics classify some of his works as magical realism.